Quintana Roo Businessmen with Expectations of the Mayan Train | Empresarios de Quintana Roo con Expectativas del Tren Maya

Quintana Roo Businessmen with Expectations of the Mayan Train

With the use of the Mayan Train for cargo transportation, risks could be reduced. Quintana Roo Businessmen with Expectations of the Mayan Train.

The Caribbean Business Coordinating Council (CCE) expressed optimism about the impact that the Mayan Train will have, especially with regard to the cargo segment.

Eduardo Martínez González, president of the CCE of the Caribbean, emphasized that Quintana Roo businessmen have high expectations regarding the economic and logistical benefits that this rail transportation system could offer.

Transportation Risk Reduction

According to Martínez González, the current reality is that gasoline, gas and other goods are transported to Quintana Roo in pipes or cargo trucks, which is not only dangerous but also slow and expensive.

In fact, even the jet fuel used at the Cancun International Airport is transported in pipes, given that there are no pipelines to bring fuel directly to the region.

By using the Mayan Train to transport cargo, the risks associated with transporting hazardous materials by road could be reduced.

Reducing truck and trailer traffic on the state’s roads would not only contribute to road safety, but would also provide a more economical and efficient way to supply fuel and other products to the hospitality industry and other sectors.

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Quintana Roo Businessmen with Expectations of the Mayan Train

Economic Potential for the Hotel Industry

Quintana Roo’s hotel industry depends largely on inputs from Progreso, in Yucatán, and other more distant destinations.

Therefore, a rail transportation system connecting these points could represent a more efficient and cost-effective solution to supply this growing industry.

The ability of the Mayan Train to transport goods and fuels through its routes would not only reduce transportation costs for entrepreneurs, but would also provide a safer and faster alternative to satisfy the high demand for inputs of the tourism industry in Quintana Roo.

Lack of Information and Specialization

Although there is widespread enthusiasm about the cargo segment of the Mayan Train, Martínez González highlighted that there is still much to discover in terms of its operation and specialization.

Until now, the federal government has been focused on completing construction of the train to meet the current administration’s deadlines.

However, full functionality has not yet been achieved on all train routes within Quintana Roo, which has limited the ability of business owners to fully understand how they can take advantage of rail transportation opportunities.

It is expected that once the Mayan Train is fully operational, it can be clearly defined how the different industries in the state will be able to benefit from its use for cargo transportation.

Quintana Roo Businessmen with Expectations of the Mayan Train

Quintana Roo Businessmen with Expectations of the Mayan Train

The Mayan Train represents an unprecedented opportunity to change the landscape of freight transportation in Quintana Roo.

The businessmen’s expectation is that the rail system will not only improve road safety by reducing the need to transport hazardous materials by road, but also provide a cheaper and more efficient alternative to supply the growing tourism industry in the region.

Once the Mayan Train is fully operational, it will be vital for the business and government sectors to work together to maximize its potential and create new opportunities for economic and logistical development in Quintana Roo.

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