Viajar Gratis en el Tren Maya | Travel for Free on the Mayan Train

How to Travel for Free on the Mayan Train

Do you want to travel for free on the Mayan Train? You are in the right place, in this article you will know if you are a candidate to travel for free on this innovative transport.

We are counting down to the start of operations of the Mayan Train, a service that promises to change the way people travel in southeastern Mexico. But that is not all; some categories of passengers will have the opportunity to experience this innovative means of transport without spending a single penny.

The National Fund for the Promotion of Tourism (Fonatur) has already shared the details about the rates, discounts and privileges that travelers will enjoy on this railway system, which will extend through Chiapas, Campeche, Tabasco, Yucatán and Quintana Roo.

Designed to enhance the region’s cultural and tourist richness, this mega-development will facilitate access to multiple picturesque destinations and emblematic Mayan heritage sites.

How to Travel for Free on the Mayan Train

As the project is in its final testing stages, Fonatur has already shared updates on progress on the seven different segments of the route.

But the question that everyone is asking is: Who will have the luxury of traveling for free on the Mayan Train? According to the cost structure presented by Fonatur, the ticket prices would be the following:

  • Standard rate: 60 Mexican pesos
  • For visitors: 80 Mexican pesos
  • Students with updated identification: 30 Mexican pesos

However, some people will be exempt from the cost of the ticket. The list of beneficiaries includes:

  • People of the Third Age
  • Retirees and pensioners
  • Children under five years old
  • Individuals with disabilities of any kind
  • Children under 12 years old, but only on Saturdays

In a recent morning press conference, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador announced that the grand inauguration of the Mayan Train is scheduled for December 2023. In addition, starting September 1, test runs will take place beginning in Campeche passing through Merida and Cancun.

It is undeniable that the Mayan Train is quickly becoming one of the most anticipated transportation projects in Mexico, and this latest update only adds more excitement to the anticipation.

So if you fall into one of the lucky categories, get ready for a free adventure through the heart of the Mexican southeast.

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  1. I’m an American journalist and want to know if bicycles will be allowed on the passenger and tourist trains?

  2. Will carry on mascotas be allowed? Small pets in a carrier like the airlines?

  3. Can you provide a link to the site that shows the published rate schedule?

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