Sedena Registra Marcas de Hoteles y Empresas del Tren Maya | Sedena Registers Brands of Hotels and Companies of the Mayan Train

Sedena Registers Brands of Hotels and Companies of the Mayan Train

The registries seek to offer a comprehensive experience to tourists and users. Sedena Registers Brands of Hotels and Companies of the Mayan Train.

The Secretariat of National Defense (Sedena) has begun the process of registering trademarks related to hotels and other products linked to the Mayan Train project.

This procedure is carried out through the Mexican Institute of Intellectual Property (IMPI), where the commercial company Tren Maya SA de CV seeks to protect various denominations and trade names.

The registry includes the brands of six hotels in the different states through which the Maya Train will travel: Hotel Tren Maya Tulum, Hotel Tren Maya Palenque, Edzná, Calakmul, Chichén Itzá and Nuevo Uxmal.

These hotels will have around 2,000 rooms, offering a wide range of accommodation for travelers who use this infrastructure.

At the same time, the registration of a tourist guide in digital format called the Mayan Train APP Tourist Guide and a commercial business office called the Mayan Train Route are being processed.

These initiatives seek to improve the tourist experience, providing information and services in an accessible and modern way.

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Sedena Registers Brands of Hotels and Companies of the Mayan Train

New projects and associated products

Sedena has also registered other products and services related to the Mayan Train.

Among these is the Tren Maya Foundation, which will focus on the development of museums, cultural forums, crafts, dance and art workshops, as well as the organization of social, artistic, musical and sports events with the aim of raising funds.

In addition, the registration of an advertising agency and a non-alcoholic beer is being processed, as well as the Mayan Train House, where clothing and fabrics will be made.

Another important record is that of the road transportation service called Eco Tren Mundo Maya and two travel agencies that will complement the tourist offer of the railway project.

Digital innovation and logistics

A highlight is the registration of the Digital Mayan Train, a digital tool designed to offer services to the project both in Mexico and abroad.

This platform will include events, animations, various content, ticket sales, training initiatives and merchandising products.

In addition, it will have georeferencing, diagnostics and data management capabilities, providing a holistic and synergistic scope to the project.

Sedena Registers Brands of Hotels and Companies of the Mayan Train

Procedures completed

Since the end of 2023, Sedena has completed other procedures to register the Tsiimin K’aak brand.

This brand covers a company that provides food, packaging and storage of goods, entertainment services, cultural and sports activities.

Additionally, Tsiimin K’aak is associated with financial, monetary and real estate matters, demonstrating the breadth and diversity of records associated with this brand.

Some of these registration procedures began even in 2019, long before the construction work of the Mayan Train began, which demonstrates the long-term planning and vision of this project.

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