Presidente presenta calendario de finalización de tramos del Tren Maya | President presents Schedule for Completion of Sections of the Mayan Train

President presents Schedule for Completion of Sections of the Mayan Train

AMLO announced the tentative schedule for completion of sections of the Mayan Train and the inauguration of the Tulum International Airport.

During the morning press conference, the national leader Andrés Manuel López Obrador anticipated that the construction of an initial section of the Mayan Train would be completed in July.

“Imagine: the purpose is that the section of the Mayan Train, the civil works, the tracks, the stations of Mérida, from Teya to Cancún, will be finished in the basics in July of this year. I’m not going out this weekend, but next weekend I’m going there again”

AMLO said.

The president explained that the other sections of this key project will be completed in the second half of the current year.

Schedule for Completion of Sections of the Mayan Train

In August, he mentioned, the Mexican government plans to finish the section that goes from Mérida to Campeche; in September, the one from Campeche to Escárcega; in October, the one that connects Palenque with Escárcega; in November, the one from Cancun to Tulum; and in December, the one that connects Tulum with Chetumal, Calakmul and Escárcega.

The highest representative of the government reaffirmed that the 1,554 kilometers of the Mayan Train will be complete at the end of the year, at which time the inauguration of the Tulum International Airport, in Quintana Roo, will also take place.

The completion of the different sections of the Mayan Train represents an important advance in connectivity and tourism development in the Mexican southeast. This project seeks to boost the local economy, encourage investment and promote employment in the region.

The construction of the Mayan Train and the inauguration of the Tulum International Airport are two key elements in the region’s growth strategy, which is expected to have a significant impact on the quality of life of the inhabitants and the attraction of visitors from all over the world. world.

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Throughout the 1,554 kilometers of the Mayan Train route, the construction of numerous stations and stops is planned that will allow visitors to explore the cultural and natural wealth of the region, including archaeological sites, paradisiacal beaches and historic cities.

The project also aims to improve the mobility of local residents, offering a modern and sustainable transport alternative.

In addition, the implementation of this railway infrastructure seeks to be respectful of the environment and the conservation of biodiversity. Special emphasis has been placed on the preservation of the jungle and local fauna, as well as the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.

The announcement of the completion schedule for the sections of the Mayan Train by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador marks a milestone in the development of this emblematic project for the Mexican southeast.

With the completion of the works scheduled for the end of the year and the inauguration of the Tulum International Airport, the region is preparing for an unprecedented economic and tourist boost.

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