El Tren Maya traerá Turismo Comunitario | Mayan Train will bring Community Tourism

Mayan Train will bring Community Tourism

The benefits of the project will not only be mobility, the Mayan Train will bring community tourism according to the government of Quintana Roo.

In one of the morning sessions of the president Andrés Manuel López Obrador, the governor of Quintana Roo, Mara Lezama, highlighted the power of the Mayan Train in the revitalization of community tourism, with a focus on Maya Ka’an, with the promise of direct impact in local communities.

Lezama exposed the recent efforts made under the New Pact for the Progress and Well-being of Quintana Roo. These include the launch of initiatives such as the Food Agency, educational programs in railway engineering, the Welfare Markets and the formation of cooperatives.

These joint efforts seek to promote equitable prosperity and enriched social justice.

Mayan Train will bring Community Tourism

The Maya Ka’an Rural Community Zone was recently given special recognition for its tourism potential. This area covers 76 communities between the municipalities of Felipe Carrillo Puerto and José María Morelos. With a population exceeding 105,000 inhabitants, this extensive region of almost one million hectares will be crossed by the iconic Mayan Train.

With Maya Ka’an at the forefront, the purpose is not to supplant pre-existing economic activities. Rather, the plan is to merge tourism with other activities that expose the rich ancient Mayan heritage, ranging from local commerce, crafts, agriculture to gastronomy and the natural wealth of the region.

Lezama reiterated that “The vision is to amalgamate tourism as a harmonious extension of the socioeconomic and cultural life of the region. The proposal is a rooted tourism format, where visitors are immersed in authentic experiences offered by indigenous communities that in the past remained in the shadow”.

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This innovative project’s main goal is that the wealth generated is directly perceived by the communities. The idea is that visitors can savor traditional Mayan meals in local homes or explore workshops of local artisans.

Lezama added that the strategic plan also involves the creation of cooperatives for the management of hotels, hostels, traditional restaurants and tourist routes. The narrative here is clear: that the communities are the protagonists and beneficiaries of their own history and legacy.

“Simultaneously, we are injecting funds into the region, reviving areas that have been neglected. With the support of the federal government, 71 million pesos are allocated to improve roads in Felipe Carrillo Puerto, adjacent to the new aerodrome. Additionally, 19.5 million are allocated to infrastructure in Tihosuco and 1.7 million for the restoration of the Church of the Holy Child Jesus,” explained Lezama.

Finally, the governor views Maya Ka’an as a global model of how community tourism and development can go hand in hand, with a commitment to inclusion and opportunities for all, eliminating forced migration for economic necessity.

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